====== Minecraft: Osenia ====== Ascalon is the first paid [[services:minecraft|Minecraft]] Realm of the Sylphe Project. It is a [[https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/skyfactory-4|Sky Factory]] 4.0.5 server based on Minecraft 1.12.2. It is hosted by [[servers:tyria|Tyria]], which is currently our most powerful server. ===== Configuration ===== * **Status:** Online * **Host:** [[servers:tyria|Tyria]] * **Hostname:** ''ascalon.sylphe.fr'' * **Port:** 25565 (standard port) * **Type:** Survival * **Version:** 1.12.2 * **Modpack:** [[https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/skyfactory-4|Sky Factory]] 4.0.5 * **Slots:** 20 * **ACL:** Whitelist ===== Backups ===== Ascalon, as well as each active Realm, is locally archived each hour for the last 48 hours. That way it can be reverted in case of griefing or data corruption. On top of that, a copy of the latest backup is sent to [[servers:neudaiz|Neudaiz]] so that if the disk crashes on [[servers:tyria|Tyria]], an emergency replacement Realm can be created immediately.