====== Automation ====== To make sure each Sylphe [[servers:index|server]] is configured the same way, [[http://www.ansible.com|Ansible]] is used. It also allows to deploy configuration edits on the whole infrastructure at once. Ansible playbooks are hosted on a user-restricted [[services:git]]. ===== Service providers ===== ==== Primary ==== * [[servers:tyria|Tyria]]: Git hosting, ansible master ==== Clients ==== * [[servers:lylat|Lylat]] * [[servers:neudaiz|Neudaiz]] * [[servers:tyria|Tyria]] * [[servers:zebes|Zebes]] * [[servers:zebeth|Zebeth]] ===== Configuration ===== [[servers:Tyria]] hosts the git repo hosting all configuration files. As such, configuration edits can be pushed by any authorized user. Connection between servers relies on public key authentication with a dedicated user which then ''sudo''es to access critical data.