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From: tasks:aws


Animus ( was the first EC2 server deployed for the Sylphe Project. It didn't use to serve any particular purpose except training on the AWS platform. That's why it was also used to run an IRC bot for my favorite IRC channel.

Technical information

  • Chassis: None
  • CPU: Intel vCPU (1c/1t @ 2.40GHz)
  • RAM: 1GB
  • Disk: 30GB on a shared SSD



  • OS: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) x64
  • Kernel: Generic Linux 3.13


  • None


The Animus, from Assassin's Creed, is a virtual reality machine which allows the user to read a subject's genetic memory to relive it in a immersive experience. This name was chosen as this machine is the first to rely on the cloud.

servers/animus.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/20 08:49 by baku